Words are such a treacherous thing to use and yet, they are all we have. How many times have you heard your child quote the lines to a song, only they get a word wrong…usually in the critical spot. That is why God requires actions behind our words…language is not enough. I remember that, as a child, I used to love the song “Bringing In The Cheese”….you know…”Bringing in the cheese, bringing in the cheese. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the cheese”. Perhaps you aren’t familiar with that old hymn, but it is kind of odd how, even with the words wrong, the principle behind the thought still applies. Both deal with harvest of a sort and both deal with the subject of me bringing the harvest in. It is the action that makes the song mean something.
In this day in age, we have fallen into the need for “doctrinal purity” that apparently supersedes Christ’s call to action. My theological views are pretty well defined by this day in my life, but it all doesn’t mean a thing if I don’t live a life that is in step with the Savior. Some folks…no, let’s say “many folks” may disagree with me on various points, maybe all of the points of my theology, and yet I also know many who depend on me to live out those very “incorrect” beliefs on a daily basis. I may have it wrong…yes, I may have it all wrong. In fact I am quite sure that I have at least a portion of it wrong. Is my eternal destiny based on being completely right in the head, or right with God in my soul? Is my soul’s condition based on my knowledge or by my relationship to Him? Is that relationship based on my knowledge or my words and actions combined?
I have learned a valuable truth. The one who represents Jesus the best is the one who commits acts like Jesus. The greatest tell-tale of a changed heart is a changed habit. Now that changed habit has to come from a changed heart…but the action is the best evidence. When I act in a manner that represents God well, even if I don’t pronounce all the words right, there is evidence of the relationship within my heart. Sing with all your might…work at getting the right words, but don’t forget to live out the meaning of the song.