We will occasionally give you some updates on Shoreline Activities in the blog, between our Bible Studies. It is our prayer that you will be encouraged in your own ministry (translation, “your life”) by seeing what is happening with the folks who work with and through Shoreline. Here’s what is happening:
1. Blog reactivated – Obviously you have seen the latest post “Bringing In The Cheese…and other misquotes” and this post too.
2. New Study Series – Beginning in the first week of November Craig will start a study that will walk us through the Kingdom years of Israel. Specifically that means the books of 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st & 2nd Kings, 1st & 2nd Chronicles. At the completion of the blog, all posts will be published in both electronic and printed form.
3. Shoreline Partners – In response to many friends who wish to contribute to Shoreline, we have added a donate button to the Shoreline Ministry Partners page on this blog. We will never post “crisis” needs, as we take the scriptural stance of Ezra, who was afraid to ask the King for soldiers because he had told everybody that God would take care of His people. We believe that too and we tell you that all the time. To this point in our ministry we have had many crisis moments, financially, health and also logistically with resource. We have been able to address each one because God has laid, on somebody’s heart, the need to lend a hand in keeping this ministry going.
We have never had more challenges to the ministry than we have had since Nancy left her job at Hornacker, Cowling, Hassen & Heysel, (Law firm in Medford, OR) and yet we are still going. If the challenges we face now had been present at the outset of the ministry we would have been inclined to think God wanted another direction for us, but now that we are in it and committed, things have broken, silly unseen expenses have popped up, and crazy accidents with sprains, bruises, etc…for all of us, have caused it to sometimes be painful to play (if we are in Refiner’s Fire mode) or difficult to complete work for other Shoreline projects. Nevertheless, here we are and we are making friends and broadening the horizon of our ministry daily.
If you give financially to support Shoreline Ministries, we thank you for expressing your faith through the gift you give. We also thank those of you who donate time and energies to making Shoreline Events or Refiner’s Fire concerts happen. All of your resources are valuable and we don’t take that lightly.
We live daily by the Coast Guard motto: “Semper Paratus” (Always Ready) meaning we find a way to get the job done, not all the reasons why we can’t. Whether it is giving your ministry a Ministry Grant, helping you run a VBS, or a youth camp/retreat, Pulpit Fill, Construction, painting a Sunday School room or helping with long overdue yard work, we exist because your ministry is important and it is our privilege to help!
4. Nancy Harris Full Time – Nancy has moved to work full time with The Sirrah Group and will be dedicating her energies to assisting with booking for Refiner’s Fire, Coordinating for Shoreline Projects and assisting with the management of the other three business (Notations Music Studio, Sirrah Productions and MALKRDB Publishing) that make up the Sirrah Group. Her work as a Legal Assistant spanned over 25 years and she only left because God’s call became apparent on her own heart. She is also a gifted speaker and is available for special events and seminars.