A Frank Talk About Giving – An Apology and An Opportunity

ZMost Youth Camp in Novokonstantinovka, Ukraine

ZMost Youth Camp in Novokonstantinovka, Ukraine. Shoreline Ministries and Refiner’s Fire team up with This Side Outreach

Shoreline Ministries has a “Donate” button on this blog. You can find it when you click on the “Shoreline Ministry Partners & Donations” tab. In all sincerity, we have hesitated to put this button on our page. It is not that we are opposed to gifts for the ministry. In fact, without past gifts, this ministry would not have gotten to where it is and, quite frankly, we will not be able to survive long without folks who give financial resources to keep Shoreline moving forward in its mission to strengthen and encourage local ministries all over the world and specifically in the United States on a regular basis. We have already been able to do that, so far, because of your gifts and the generous contributions that folks have made at Refiner’s Fire concerts, either buying tickets to support our ministry and their churches ministry, or through giving in a free-will offering to cover Refiner’s Fire costs.

However, after 30+ years in ministry to the local church, I have grown quite aware of ministers and ministries that live at a level of affluence that contradicts the humility of Christ. I’m not talking about basic needs, and certainly not talking about owning homes, cars, etc… as these are a basic part of ministry in this country. What I am talking about is lavishness in personal lifestyle and organizations so large that they hire workers at minimum wage to perform menial tasks, while the leaders live the lifestyles of the rich and famous…which is Paul’s description of how the “Gentiles” or non-believers treat each other.

Therefore, I have hesitated, probably far too long, to give our friends and those who are interested in this ministry a chance to give on a regular basis and keep us moving forward. I have mistakenly stood on Ezra chapter 8 and said that I am embarrassed to ask for help because I have told everyone that God will provide. Yet I closed up one of God’s conduits for provision beyond the Refiner’s Fire concerts and their income. I now realize that I shut the door to the very source that He uses to sustain ministries; those that exalt Him through their personal giving financially. For this, I apologize to my family, who have had to endure more hardship than was probably necessary, all because of a very carnal pride that Craig Harris takes in making do with what he has and thinking that it was wrong to make a general statement about giving. I also apologize to those who have given, because I have failed to open the door wide enough to compliment their gifts of love with those of other like minded people who may not know about the work of Shoreline Ministries first hand. Though, like Elijah, I have poured water on my altar, soaking the stones and wood to prove to the world God’s faithfulness; unlike Elijah I have hidden the sacrifice and just left the altar itself.

Nancy and I have invested everything that we have into Shoreline Ministries. Work, energy and all financial resources that were available to us, including the pensions from our previously held secular jobs. It has not been enough to cover all of the basic needs. We never really thought it would be, but we also were not ready for an environment that has seen us personally contact over 2800 churches with less than 8% responding either positively or negatively for a concert or even a discussion about ministry opportunities that we could work on together. (As a Pastor, this concerns me deeply about the core attitudes of our churches, as well as the whole Gospel music industry, but that is another topic for another day.) We have not “waited” for the money to minister, rather we have gone out and ministered with the gifts God has already given us and up to this point, God has provided through friends of our ministry who became aware of the additional needs. There are only two Biblical examples where men had everything they needed at the beginning of their task. Samson and Solomon. (Also another topic for another day.)

I think my realization came when we arrived home this past week, gas tank close to empty in the coach and gas tank empty in our Ford Explorer in the garage. This most recent trip had seen me under our coach so much I had thought I was back to my younger days where I always carried the tool box in my cars because I could never usually afford a mechanic. When we retrieved our mail there was a $20 gift that someone had left for us in one of the churches we were at and the next day, in order to be faithful, Nancy went and mailed off $20 in tithe to a ministry, in honor of another gift that someone had given and then gave our last $5 cash to another congregation to complete the tithe off of God’s provision. As I write this we have less than $15 in all of our bank accounts combined. The next event for Refiner’s Fire is the 22nd of December and we are privileged to worship, that day, with two congregations; one a recent church plant and that evening with the church that birthed the plant. That is our entire expected income from Refiner’s Fire work for the month of December. Shoreline Ministries can no longer operate without some other source of income. This means that we either lay Shoreline and Refiner’s Fire aside again, or that God has another relationship, (or several) that He wishes to use for His glory in keeping us moving forward.

I have begun the task of looking for additional work, labor or whatever, to keep the family safe and fed, and to meet the mountain of obligations that have piled up while we have attempted to get the ministry on an even footing. Utilities, house payment, and debts for our Coach (the only tool that we are in debt for) to further the work of the ministry, are all in a critical state.

We praise God for the Coach, because without it we would never have been able to afford motels and restaurant bills during our recent tour. Yet, while the Coach has been a faithful servant, it has also been used at a level that is beyond what it was designed for. (Very similar to most of my instruments. This, of course, is brought to my attention, quite often, by Jake who also says my voice was never meant to be heard by human ears). Regardless, this means that our budget must include some very important regular maintenance that must be done, but I have neither the tools, nor the expertise to perform all of it. The need is greater than our ability to meet at this present time.

My personal and permanent goal, is to honor the Lord by keeping my family safe. I have done a marginal job at that. However, my other goal is not mine alone, but that of my wife, my son, and many others who struggle day in and day out to change their world for Jesus sake, in Jesus name. That goal is to glorify God by representing Him well with the gifts and talents that He has given us, to make our bodies a living sacrifice to Him. For Craig and Nancy Harris this means ministering through encouragement, both works and exhortation, to local ministries and congregations who are also fulfilling this purpose. Shoreline’s key verse is found at the end of the Gospel of John.

John 21:4 4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.

The Disciples had chosen to go work in that uncertain period between the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, and Jesus came to encourage and direct them in their immediate and their long term efforts. He gave a little advice, then He had breakfast waiting for them, (comfort) followed by words of encouragement (exhortation). Yet in the process He never made a fuss about His identity, He just was there when they needed Him. Shoreline is dedicated to this principle, representing Jesus without making too much notice of ourselves, but focusing on the needs at hand and the work that you are doing for Him. That is why we went out and why we will continue this ministry at all costs to our own comfort.

I give you all of that background to make these statements about giving to Shoreline financially. If you have given, or now choose to give financially to Shoreline Ministries, know that we are very grateful for your support. Even with the prospect of other employment upon me (along with the fact that it would seem to be a hindrance to the ministry itself) we are determined to continue in God’s providence. God does speak through the support of others and I have foolishly been skeptical and fearful of gifts that would “taint” our ministry or place us under obligation that would take energy from this important work, but subsequently also held back the gifts of the faithful, unless they were close enough to us personally to know about the struggles. At the same time, my commitment to my family is paramount. That is God’s demand of me, one I willfully and joyfully embrace. If God does not want Shoreline to exist, He will provide the answer in time. Perhaps He is providing it now and will reveal it through circumstances.

Should the Lord place upon your heart to give to Shoreline Ministries one time or as a continuing gift, your gift will sustain these activities, whether it provides support for a small church, local compassionate ministry or even a specific program in a larger congregation. Your gift allows us to take the time to find these opportunities, as we contact all of you one at a time, instead of hiring a telemarketer or promoter to do our work. Your gift also keeps Refiner’s Fire performing and ministering to churches that would otherwise never hear a quality Gospel music presentation in their facility and subsequently never receive the encouragement to keep loving people in Jesus name for Jesus’ sake. Your gift is supplemented by all finances received back into Shoreline, through Refiner’s Fire, the sale of all reading materials and music distribution, both through Refiner’s Fire Concerts and through our websites for MALKRDB Publishing and Sirrah Productions, as well as through all work done through Notations Music Studio and Sirrah Productions. Your gift is also supplemented by the gifts of other people, such as yourself, who decide that it is important to keep Shoreline functioning at full capacity.

Our pledge to you is that, beyond basic expenses to stay solvent, the souls working with Shoreline Ministries, or any other part of The Sirrah Group will live at a modest level, reflecting Godly values, not indulging in excessive luxuries that fail to represent Christ well. We will always be ready to give, even when it hurts. All those who join with us for active work will be asked and expected to live at the same standard, that of representing the Savior well. While we do not stand in judgment of others, we do stand in constant review of ourselves through God’s Word. Your gift will represent Christ’s love, given through your obedience, and we will treat it and use it as such. Our life is intertwined this ministry and we are not working to build up our retirement by “making it big” in the music industry. If God wills, we would prefer to never stop working for Him, but continue, with every breath we take, to tell others about His love and work beside them to show it in practice as well as encouraging them to do the same.

One final note. If you are feeling God speak to you about giving to this ministry, we ask that you are obedient to Him, not to our perceived need. If He says give $1, give it. If He says give $10,000, give it. If He says, “pass on this, I need you to give elsewhere”, then pass on the financial gift and instead lift us up with your prayers, while not neglecting the other ministry financially. If He says, “give them a call”, please do. We encourage you to give generously, to whomever you choose, as God leads.

It is not “essential” that Shoreline Ministries survives. The amount that it takes to keep Shoreline viable is not a large one, because we live frugally and also do not expect or try to solve “problems” with money alone, but we often find ways to get the job done with limited resources. On the other hand, it is “essential” that we all obey Him in our respective tasks. As such, we will endeavor to live in obedience, whether singing, playing, working on a project with you, preaching or teaching. We have given our lives and will continue to do so, depending solely on God’s provision, in whatever form it takes. That is a more appropriate interpretation of Ezra. I like to sing the Keith Green song, occasionally and I use it now to explain my attitude about all of this.

“I pledge my head to Heaven, for the Gospel, and I ask no man on earth to fill my need. Like the sparrow up above, I am enveloped by His love and I trust Him like those little ones He feeds.” Keith Green 1953-1982

Ezra 8:21-23 21 Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance. 22 For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him. 23 So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us.

God bless you and, whether you give financially or not, please keep us in your prayers as we seek God’s will in these crucial times for Shoreline Ministries. Know that we love and appreciate all of our family and friends, and this love is not determined by your gifts to us, but rather is compelled in our hearts by the love of our Savior, Who died for all mankind to set us free from the power of sin and death and brings us into everlasting life with Him.

May Jesus Christ be praised,
Craig Harris

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About Craig

Craig Harris has been a musician, minister, educator, and writer for over 35 years. He and wife Nancy have 7 children (his, hers and ours) as well as 5 grandchildren. Craig currently runs all of the businesses connected with the Sirrah Group, as well as founding and operating Shoreline Ministries. He is an avid outdoorsman as well a seasoned veteran at caring for skinned knees and cranky automobiles. He currently serves as the Pastor of Ministry Development at Susanville Church of The Nazarene in Susanville, CA.