We would encourage you to consider helping us with other modes of service, if you are unable to participate financially. This link will take you to the Shoreline Ministry Partners page on the Shoreline Ministries website.
If you don't like Paypal or using a credit/debit card online, our address is:
Shoreline Ministries
1734 Yukon Avenue
Medford, OR 97504
When you donate to Shoreline Ministries you are participating in the following ministry functions:
1. Ministry Grants for congregations to serve their community
2. Ministry Team services that allow Shoreline Ministries to send workers and assist a congregation/ministry in
A: Special one time event
B: Developing a new ministry program
C: Providing a seminar/workshop for an existing program
3. Assisting Shoreline Ministries with meeting operational costs including
A: Underwriting Refiner's Fire concerts that do not cover expenses
B: Donating materials to congregations in preparation for events
C: Covering paper, printing and other costs for basic operation
D: Supporting Shoreline Partners as they continue their ministry
God bless and thank you for coming along side to serve with us.
Craig & Nancy Harris